Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Go Maire Fheile Vailintin!

A lesson in Irish (sans accent marks - haven't figured out how to type those yet) for Valentines Day.

La Fheile Vailintin (Valentine's Day)

Go maire fheile Vailintin! (Happy Valentines Day!)

Bi mo Vailintin (Be my Valentine.)

le gra (...with love.)

Tusa mo ghra geal (You are my bright love.)

Ta me i ngra leat (I love you; I am in love with you.)

Go maire fheile Vailintin - le gra,

Happy Happy Joy Joy

(L to R) Naimh (pronounced "neeve"), Connor, Ema (pronounced "m-uh"), Sorcha (pronounced "soar-sha"), and myself (pronounced "sam"). The blow-up man's name is Josepe (sp? pronounced with a soft j - "Juh-sepp-e"). Naimh and Josepe are happily married.
(L to R) Max, Dan, Sorcha, Naimh, Mike, and myself. We had a huge sing-along the other night after Mike and I bought guitars - featured hits included: Hit Me Baby One More Time (Britney Spears - acclaimed songstress), Ride Wit Me (Nelly - renowned singer-songwriter), and Wonderwall (Oasis, British brothers lauded for incredible ability to hate).

Monday, February 12, 2007

Important Video Message from Scram

So I think I figured out how to post videos on here.

The following video is for people that I love, which may or may not include YOU - but even if it doesn't, there's a great shot of my chair that'll leave every last one of you in an indescribable state of envy (for said chair, of course.)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

NUI Maynooth Campus

St. Patrick's cathedral (which, unfortunately, is being worked on right now, as you can see by the scaffolding) and part of the courtyard.
Where the town meets the campus - I like the fact that in these days we can capture a Coca-Cola sign and a 900 year old castle in just one picture.
Part of the original castle built by the Fitzgerald family in the 1100s. You can see the main street in Maynooth in the distance.
A really awesome tree lined pathway on campus - the light at the end of this tunnel is, appropriately, the entrance to an old cemetery.
A beautiful garden on the edge of campus - I like the fact that there are flowers blooming, yet in the background you can see some of the snow that fell this morning.
This is one of the main buildings on the Old (South) Campus, which is characterized by old, beautiful architecture. You can see St. Patrick's Cathedral on the right.
Opposite of the building pictured above this one - the buildings form a square, with the courtyard in the center.
This is the view from my window this morning. Apparently, it rarely snows in Ireland, but I've been fortunate enough to have been here for two already - one via Cork to Limerick, and now in Maynooth.

This place is incredible.