My favorite part of Halloween is not the candy corn, nor the pumpkin carving, nor even the gathering of friends to celebrate such a special holiday. Rather, let us consider the Non-Trads - that autonomous group of students that always sit on the perimeters of classrooms and only speak up when the topics of politics, children, or sex arise.
For some reason these creatures, while remaining dormant for most of the semester, choose Halloween to express what they've been holding back all this time. And suddenly, when that magic day rolls around, the Non-Trad population explodes with color and life - sending a veritable smorgasbord of personalities trouncing about the campus. For some it's a time to get that witch out of your system, for others it's an opportunity to swashbuckle your way into the heart of that ghoulish Non-Trad gal you've had your eye on since the first day of class. Regardless what their true motives may be, Halloween is always a time for the Non-Trads to shine and proclaim to the rest of the student population that, "Hey, we DO have a voice. We DO know how to have a good time. And yes, we ARE the Non-Trads."
Scram. You really are an incredible writer. Zamnnnnnn
Scram. You really are an incredible writer. Zamnnnnnn
Scram. You really are an incredible writer. Zamnnnnnn
whoa. didn't mean to post 3 times. poopy knicker bockers.
Ah, the yearly parade of non-trad students in cosutme; it's a tradition that pulls at my heartstrings.
Scram, your blog has been sucking lately. It's been the same for like 18 years.
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