Saturday, September 16, 2006

Let's All Take a Step Back

and learn to be true.
Find something purer
than mystery -
That's what God's for
and We
should offer up truth
to help our friends get by.
And let's all take a step back
to when clothes weren't worn
and I knew you,
and you knew me.
There were no shadows
or places to hide,
nothing wasted or secret -
All brilliant and simple,
without sons or daughters.
All humble and present,
not a-one of us'll live
forever, but now We
all think just that -
And it's sad cause we ain't
got so long.
And it's a waste to be hidden,
let's all take a step back,
and breathe in the air of the

1 comment:

matt perry said...

incredible. makes me wanna get naked and be free and tell someone that i love them. you are awesome. i love you. there i did it. except im at work so im not naked yet. come 5:07 i will be.