Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Happy Joy Joy

(L to R) Naimh (pronounced "neeve"), Connor, Ema (pronounced "m-uh"), Sorcha (pronounced "soar-sha"), and myself (pronounced "sam"). The blow-up man's name is Josepe (sp? pronounced with a soft j - "Juh-sepp-e"). Naimh and Josepe are happily married.
(L to R) Max, Dan, Sorcha, Naimh, Mike, and myself. We had a huge sing-along the other night after Mike and I bought guitars - featured hits included: Hit Me Baby One More Time (Britney Spears - acclaimed songstress), Ride Wit Me (Nelly - renowned singer-songwriter), and Wonderwall (Oasis, British brothers lauded for incredible ability to hate).


Anonymous said...

The proper spelling is 'Giuseppe.'

::rachel:: said...

hah. singalongs are wonderful. experienced one last night that included fresh prince of belair and ducktales themesongs.

also, i finished everything is illuminated and was stunned.. literally.. i walked about my house aimlessly for a good tenminutes.. miss